The brand Samsung has been around for centuries. Started out as a trading company, the brand is now one of the largest technology manufacturers in the whole world. Competing with other brands like Apple and Huawei, Samsung mobile price and spec is definitely worth to consider. 5 Best Galaxy for the Tech-Savvy Samsung first introduced …

Fixing the Issue of iPhone battery replacement
Having problems with your phone can be quite frustrating, especially if it suddenly shuts down out of nowhere. In this case, many iPhone users find that their battery starts to facing some difficulties after a few years of use or after a certain update. While deciding to look for the iPhone battery replacement can be …

iTunes or iCloud: How to Backup iPhone
Files, contact numbers, photos, videos, and accounts perhaps have their own value lately. We have seen how people get frustrated over losing the data or having not much space left on their iPhone. Thus, it is rather important to know how to backup iPhone especially when you have a lot of data to store. Keeping …

Learn the Easy Way to Backup iPhone to iCloud
Backing up data from your Apple device is crucial as you don’t want to have the risk of losing the data once your device is lost or broken. Fortunately, Apple has provided its users with the best storage available. The best thing about it is that it’s relatively easy to backup iPhone to iCloud and …

Matching Apple Watch Bands with Your Outfit: The Best Strap to Choose
Released in 2015, the Apple Watch is now being the most popular wearable device in the world. Started out as a technology to reduce iPhone users’ screen time, the Apple Watch is now part of the fashion. In its latest Series 4, the Apple Watch even included customizable Apple Watch bands to match the users’ …

5 Best Cheap Gaming Laptop in 2019: Top Deals Under $1000
A cheap gaming laptop is a popular device among techno enthusiasts. That’s because most people want a cheap laptop with excellent specifications. But, the price of gaming laptops normally over $1000. It means the price of a low-budget gaming laptop is under the normal cost of most gaming laptops. So, here are the best cheap …

Top 7 Best Laptops for College Students in 2019
Are you wondering about the best laptops for college students? Nowadays, college students are busy with many tasks. To complete it, they certainly need a laptop. Compared to a computer, a laptop is more flexible to carry around. The price of laptops also tends to be cheaper. Moreover, many brands offer cheap laptops with good …

The Best Laptop under $500 in 2019: 7 Contenders to Look For
Are you looking for the best laptop under $500 in 2019? As a technology enthusiast, you must be curious about that. So, if you need an affordable laptop with qualified specifications, read the reviews below. Then, find a laptop that suits your needs. But keep in mind that you shouldn’t just pay attention to the …

The Best Laptop Deals in 2019: For All Budgets
It’s undeniable that laptops become a necessity for most people today. Starting from office workers, schoolchildren, to college students, all need a laptop. For reasons of flexibility, many people are more interested in buying a laptop than a PC. So, are you considering replacing an old device? Here are the best laptop deals of 2019 …

The 7 Best Free Antivirus for Mac to Install Right Now
Who is the best free antivirus for your Mac? Actually, Mac users can relax a little because Apple computer has a low risk of virus infections. The fact is that the virus maker prefers to create Windows viruses. There are so many Windows users so that the virus makers can get a bigger target. However, …